Yes, I admit I stole the theme of this post from
Bold, but this is about the only way to describe my 1o miler today.
The Good: I ran 10 miles today (actually 10.6 miles, but that last 0.6 miles really isn't important and I don't know why I am even stressing that I ran 10.6 miles and not 10 miles).
It was good because the 10.6 mile run this afternoon came after a 10 mile run yesteday and 1.5 hours of racquetball this morning. So my legs were tired. I really didn't have a lot of energy going into it and I finished averaging an 11:47/mile pace. Considering the hills on the course, having to stop and wait at intersections and that I was slowed the last 2.5 miles by balancing out the need to poop with speed, I was pleased with the results.
The Bad: I chose a hilly course. Lamar seems much flatter when I am in my car driving to Chipotle. The run from house to Roe Park takes me into the Indian Creek watershed so, not only did I have to deal with the hills on Lamar when running towards the creek, the return run was mostly uphill.
The Ugly: And this is super-ugly. I have never had chafing issues with runs under 12 miles until today. And these are not your run of the mill, just a little inconvenient pain chafing I am talking about. It is the stinging to the point where running water over these areas hurts so much you choose not to wash the area with soap while in the shower sort of chafing. I won't go into detail about the exact area that chafed because I try to keep this blog PG-13, but let's just say I am currently sitting on the area that chafed. And it hurts.