Monday, May 28, 2007

This, that and other stuff

So I have been a little slow in my posting these days.

It's not my fault. Really, its not.

It's just everything going on around me consuming my time.

It's because I am increasing my ironman training while at the same time trying to taper for a marathon a week from today. How that is possible is beyond me and please don't ask how that is going.

It's because work is taking a lot out of me these days. Nothing too serious and for the first time in a long time, I finally feel somewhat caught up - so those extra hours paid off.

It's because I am spending a lot of time trying to get to know and figure out this yet-to-be-named-by-me new girl that has come into the picture. We spent a lot of time together this weekend meaning that either she really likes me, is completely sick of me right now, or, I'm guessing, a combination of both. All I will say for now is that we have only been going out for a couple of weeks and I have a good time when I am with her. We all know how much fun it is going into a relationship and yes, let's face it, this is distracting me from other, lesser obligations, like blogging about it. But that's how it has to be for now.

So let me get through a short work at week, knock out my 6th marathon in 9 weeks in San Diego and hopefully my life will return to a little normalcy.

I am gussing it won't.

Normalcy really doesn't exist in my life.

But we can hope.


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