Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Really, no one has chopped my arms off making it impossilbe for me to type

But I have been experiencing that "Crap, I forgot to update my blog again" syndrome.

I know.

I'm not the only one that is too busy for his own good.

Between work, training, firing my tri coach, changing training plans 11 weeks from the ironman, it's been pretty crazy.

Oh, did I mention I am dating someone?

I am like every other triathlete. I really need another day in my week. A day that no one else has. That mysterious 8th day. Otherwise, I will never get caught up. And unfortunately, blogging has taken a back seat to the rest of my life.

Oh well.

I can say I will do better. Or at least try. Still, I am having some difficulty finding words to describe training. Maybe it's because I feel like I am constantly repeating myself. Maybe it is because training is going well.

Anyway, I guess I can share this gem tonight. It's what I use for motiviation. I can't really pinpoint where it started. I mentioned previously that the 127.5 has become a motivator for me. Well, I have taken it one step further.

Any time I am struggling, like when I am running up hills on tired legs and I would give anything to start walking, I simply remind myself that "A 127.5 athlete would start walking now BUT that 140.6 athlete would bust his butt to make it to the top".

And it works.

So much of training for these endurance events is psycological. I have the physical base to successfully complete Redman this year. I now have to develop the mental toughness.


Blogger Jenniferlyn said...


Updates updates updates! ;)

Well glad to see tht you are till alive atleast in July you were. ;)

How is everything going?

1:49 PM  

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