Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Life Lessons

I leave Friday morning for San Diego to run the Rock-N-Roll Marathon as a part of Team in Training. This will be my third marathon run with TNT, raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. My friends, family, co-workers and strangers have donated over $10,000 in the past four years further the mission of the LLS. For this, I am grateful. I can't thank them enough for their support.

But as I head off to San Diego, I think it might be better that, instead of one of my ramblings about training or running in the rain or girls or the other thousands of topics I waste your time with throughout the year, I would share with you the words of Kimberly Costa who lost her battle with leukemia in 2000 at the age of 19.

During her battle with this dreaded disease, she sat down and composed what she called "10 Life Lessons." Not only are her words a microcosm of what TNT has meant to me, but if we all lived our lives by her words, the world would be a better place. Here is what she wrote.


Life Lesson number 10 is "Deal with life one day at a time." Sometimes when life gets crazy we feel like we'll never sort everything out. But if we just deal with everything one day and instant at a time, life just has a way of working through things. It also makes life's circumstances a little less overwhelming.

Life Lesson number 9 is more a word of advice. "Turn every life experience into a learning experience." The best way I have found to cope with hard times more easily is to become knowledgeable about what is going on and try to find a meaning to everything that happens. Trust me, there is always one.

Life Lesson number 8 is "Always look for the positive." No matter how bad life can get, there is always a positive to be found. If you focus on the positive aspects of life, the hard times are easier to get through. The power of positive thinking is amazing, and it works.

Life Lesson number 7 is another piece of advice. "Try to do at least one new thing everyday." Much too often, people get into a routine of doing the same thing everyday and their lives become boring. The new thing doesn't have to be big. It can be something really small like taking a different route to work, or trying a new kind of food. Make a wish list for yourself of new stuff you want to try. Some things can be small and others, big. Plan on completing one of those things each day and by the end of everyday your life will be much more full.

Life Lesson number 6 is "Be true to yourself". No matter what happens in your life if you are true to yourself and confident about who you are, you can overcome anything. Always stick to who you are and don't worry if people are going to accept you or not. If you are confident with yourself, it will show and the people who really matter will accept you for who you are, not for who you are not.

Life Lesson number 5 is "Touch as many lives as you can." Every time you meet someone new, you leave a little bit of yourself with them. They are affected by you. The more people you meet, the more complete both their and your lives are because of how you have been affected by each other. Think of the possibilities.

Life Lesson number 4 is "Enjoy the little things." Although the big accomplishments in life are important, sometimes it's the little things in life that are more enjoyable. The conversations with your best friend in the middle of the night, or a quiet moment somewhere peaceful where you are just able to think, can add up to be much more important and memorable than any big thing.

Life Lesson number 3 is "Don't sweat the small stuff." Many times in life, people begin getting concerned with petty things. What people forget is that in the long run, it doesn't matter what "he said" or what "she did." It's not worth your time to get worked up about anything small or petty.

Life Lesson number 2 is "Hold on to your friends." No matter what happens in your life, good or bad, your friends will be there for you. Whether it is a pat on the back or shoulder to cry on that you need, your friends are there for you always.

And the number one Life Lesson is "Make everyday count." Life is short and we never know how long we are gong to have. We must live live life to the fullest EVERYDAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. We should never throw any opportunities away.

Our lives will continue to be impacted by our friendships, generosity, compassion and spirit. As each of us works each day to be the person we want to be, remember my favorite quote from the Broadway play "Rent" - "No Day But Tomorrow."


Blogger Josh Dysart said...

Those are great lessons. Good luck this weekend, man. i'll be thinking of all of you.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

excellent words to live by. have fun in San Diego. i'd tell you good luck, but obviously don't need luck to run a marathon. you're practically a professional at it. Happy Running!

7:54 AM  

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