Monday, April 16, 2007

Where do they all go???

OK, I ran just three miles today. I am in taper mode and ran my last long run b/f the double, 16 miles, yesterday. But running 16 miles is just that. Nothing blogworthy.

What I really want to know is the answer to the above question.

Today, in just three miles, I passed 71 people.


I counted.

And if I passed them going both out and back, I counted them twice.But I didn't count anyone participating the three soccer practices, one baseball practice and the illegal high school football practice I passed.

I counted because last Tuesday, I ran 6 miles along that exact same route at the exact same time and I passed ZERO people.

That's zero with a Z.

Is the rain really that much of a deterrent?

Am I the only one in Johnson County that isn't so sweet that I don't melt in the rain?

Does anyone else follow the philosophy that he who makes the biggest splash wins?

Can't running in the rain be fun too?

Just curious.


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