Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The OKC Children's Marathon

This is something else the OKC Memorial Marathon puts on that I think is a great idea. I really wish more marathons would integrate the concept into their races instead of simply a “fun run” for the kids. And I wish that they had something like this when I was younger.

What happens is that, over the course of two months leading up to the marathon, kids can start running 1 mile at a time. They have to do this 25 times and have a teacher/coach/parent sign off on it. The train for 25 miles total

Then, on the day of the marathon, they run the last 1.2 miles for a combined total of 26.2 miles and get a “finishers medal”.

This is a great way of getting kids today, many of whom are just as happy sitting in front of their x-boxes, etc, off the couch and outside getting some much needed exercise.

And follow a training regiment

And have a target race.

And achieve a realistic goal.

Fabulous idea, OKC!

On my training front…still tapering. Ran a quick and painless 3 yesterday, resting today. I am not even playing sand volleyball the next 2 days (because of work, not tapering) and that is really killing me. But at least I won’t get hurt!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Kevin I guess we need to get katy and justin to work for this next year----I just wish they could realize the committment you have made to do the marathons---you're right it's all about goal setting---See you Sat---Mom

5:26 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

have fun at the marathon and good luck!

9:55 AM  

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