Monday, April 24, 2006

It's Marathon Week!!!!

Marathon week is always hectic. And this week is no exception.

I found out today that a scientist from Pittsburgh is coming to speak at my company on Friday and that I get to participate in the Thurday night entertainment. Granted, we are going to Ruth's Chris so I really shouldn't complain. But I am just hoping this guy is old and won't want to stay out too late. But knowing our CEO, it will undoubtedly be a late night with Guinness, cigars and a lot of stories.


Might as well knock my goal time back by 15 minutes.

Oh, and to make room for my sleek, new, fast Trek Equinox 7 (to be picked up Wednesday), I had to say good bye to my old friend, the Trek 7500 yesterday.

Now I had intended to make the 12 mile training ride with the new tri-team yesterday morning the last ride.

But no.

I got a call from my friends, including the one buying the bike saying they wanted to go on a bike ride a little later in the day. So I said sure, expecting a leisurely ride. Well, that ride turned into a 22 miler. Granted, we took it slow. It was a beautiul day and we were in absolutely no hurry. But still, it was 22 miles further than I should have ridden.

And then I subbed for my old softball team for what turned into a double header - and pitched. By the end of the second game, I was exhausted. And in pain. And wanted to do no more than sleep.

I am supposed to be tapering!!!

Taking it easy?


I have promised myself to do better the rest of the week. Fortunately, the rest of the week is looking so busy that I probably won't have much time to do much more than the bare minimum.

That's probably a good thing.

As long as I find time to sleep - which is easier said than done!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

....good luck in OKC.....

10:48 AM  

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