Monday, April 17, 2006

Rest Days

Yes, I know they are important.

Yes, I feel much stronger following them.

Yes, those little aches and pains go away during them.

But I don't deal with days off from training very well. Even in taper mode, which I am now in, I don't like rest days well.

Heck, I won't even sit at my desk for longer than 45 minute without getting up and doing something. I am just not a sedentary person

So how do I deal with true "rest days". Not well. And I often cheat. Sundays, my currently scheduled rest day, are the day that my friends and I get together for friendly, ok, highly competitive 2 - 3 hour tennis matches (so much for "rest"). But because yesterday was Easter and tennis didn't happen, I battled the winds and went on the bike ride scheduled for today. And because I am tapering for OKC, I know I need the rest. It will make me stronger. I will perform better.

So tonight, I rest.

Which kills me. No biking. No Swimming. No running. No volleyball. No Tennis. Nothing.



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