Monday, May 22, 2006

Time Management Issues

Anyone else have problems with time management or is it just me.

Seriously, where does the time go?

It seems like anymore I am always on the run, going somewhere. Doing this or that. Laundry is done on a "as needed" basis (although yes mom, I still was my sheets once a week, just like you taught me and I have plenty of clean underwear).

My yard, oh my yard. When I first bought my house, my goal was to have stadium-perfect lawn. You know that thick, soft, green bed of carpet that gets cut once a week. Hell, I used to take the time to mow patterns in the grass. Circles, thatch patterns, diamonds, really whatever I was in the mood for. Yes. Too much time on my hands. The sad thing is, since adopting Shiner, the back yard is in better shape than ever.

Also, when I moved to KC six years ago, I had a nightly TV line-up. Now, there isn't a single show on TV that I watch on a regular basis. If it isn't sports or a movie on one of my 14 HBOs or 20 other movie channels, it is a safe didn't see it. Don't talk to me about American Idol or House or 24 or whatever the new, trendy show is. References to Sex and the City or The Soprano's are wasted on me. Every now and then, I catch myself watching Law and Order re-runs, but that is usually while I am eating dinner. At this point in my life, I can't imagine what is so great about anything a network may be able to put on.

Oh, I do watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, almost religiously. But I have to get my news from somewhere.

Yes, I know where the time goes. Still, I really need to figure out how to add about 3 more hours to my day. Of course, this needs to be done while I add a third night of sand volleyball, join a kickball league and start a more intense training plan as I turn my attention to the Redman Ironman, all happening in June.

And we can't forget the necessity of time for dating - if I ever get around to asking out one of a couple different women I have been told I really need to go out with and have been using the "time" excuse for not taking a chance with them.

Yep. somewhere, somehow, I need more time in my day.

Here's one idea I had. God how I miss Calvin and Hobbs.

What do you think? Should I take scientific progress to a new level. Is the world ready for another Kevin?

Or would it just be scientific progress going "Boink?"


Blogger Josh Dysart said...

I love it! Go for it Kevin

12:50 PM  
Blogger a.maria said...

HA! damn i miss me some Calvin and Hobbs.

7:15 AM  

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