Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Me and Little Miss Running Pants go for a ride

I had a 15 mile training session on Really Fast Bike (I really need a better name for the bike)

So did Little Miss Running Pants

So we met at the downtown airport and rode together.

Of course, being the safe kids that we were, we both had helmets to wear.

But only one of ours actually fit.

It may have been one of the funnier sites in recent memory, but LMRP's helmet would possible fit my niece (pictured below), but only if the straps were completely loosened and she shaved her head. In her defense, it claimed to be a woman's helmet on the label and her head really is a normal size. But there was no way it would protect her from a fall. So she chose to go without.

So I debated. Wear my helmet or, to make her feel better about not having one, go without.

Tough decision. You see, I feel that I am a good enough rider that I shouldn't need a helmet. But I can also get up to 30 - 35 mph on Really Fast Bike. That is pretty fast and I will wipe out at some point at some point. So I wore it.

LMRP, no doubt, will have a bigger helmet next time we go out riding.

We had a good right. 16+ miles in a little over an hour - 15.5 mph average pace.

Best of all, I didn't drop the chain once. This is a first for Really Fast Bike. Hopefully it will be a trend that continues.

But the bike still needs some minor adjustments. Hopefully, I can make an appointment for it to see the bike doctor some time early next week.

6 mile run tomorrow. Should be a good one.


Blogger a.maria said...


i'm going to the hot biker dude guy's store saturday.

so mlehhhhhhhh!


7:08 AM  

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