Thursday, July 27, 2006

Conservation of Energy

No, this has nothing to do with a race plan for the triathlon.

It's 5:00 PM Thurs and I am still sitting here at work (I never, ever work past 4:30) because, well, I have an easy 3 mile run on my schedule and am then playing volleyball.

On these days, I would usually go home, play with the dog for a little while, check my mail, maybe pay a bill, start a load of laundry, get a little house cleaning in (well, maybe not that). But you get the picture. I would have an hour or so to kill around the house and then begin my workout.

But the trails I want to run on tonight are between work and the volleyball courts (about 5 miles from work). But to drive home, have my hour to relax, and then drive back out this way would be a 30-40 mile round trip, in trafic.

My car gets ~20 miles per gallon. Gas is $3.00 per gallon.

It comes down to this.

Is it worth $5.00-6.00 for an hour at home abs 45 minutes in traffit when I can get a little extra work done and not feel rushed. Probably not.

Then I go to where the headline story is about Exxon making a profit of $1,318 PER SECOND in the 2nd quarter of 2006.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for capitalism. If Americans are foolish enough to pay $3.00 per gallon and not change their habits, then hell, if I were the Exxon execs, I would push prices up even more.

But fortunately, my parents didn't raise a fool.

I know perfectly well that my hard earned cash needs to go to help the little guys struggling to compete against the corportate giants. So tonight, I am going to take that $6.00 that won't go to big oil, and buy a couple of Bud Lights at volleyball.

After all, Anheiser-Busch only made $638 million last quarter.




Actually, I won't be buying beer because Koach Karl told me I wasn't allowed to drink any more beer until the triathlon. So I will be dropping that cash on a couple bottles of Dasani water and contribute to Coca-cola's pocketbooks ($1.8 billon dollars in Q2)

Oh, screw it.

Where is the hose. That water is just as good.

And cheap!

Maybe I will just put that $6.00 in the bank.

And use it to help my bottom line.


Blogger Katie said...

yeah! way to stick it to The Man. hose water is awesome. i hope your triathlon isn't too far away, hopefully after the Waldo Tri.

7:39 PM  

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