Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Just another bike ride

Yesterday, I sat at work dreading my 30 mile bike ride. Dreading it because I never felt like I had the energy to complete it. I was fatigued. Legs were a little wobbly. My blood sugar was probably a little low. I knew I hadn’t consumed enough calories going into the ride.

But it was on my schedule and I had to get it in.

So I arrive at Heritage Park with no expectations. I get ready to mix my Heed (energy drink). I figured I could make it extra strong – throw in an extra scoop or two of the powder and that would get me through the ride.

Only the Heed container was missing the scoop.


So I just started pouring the Heed into the water, trying to guess what would equal 4 heaping scoops. I take a couple swigs of this not-quite-dissolved mixture and push off.

The first part of the ride was up a long, sloping hill. I thought I was going to die. I mean it really sucked.

But once I turned onto 175th street, things started getting better

And better.

I definitely felt the Heed kick in. My energy level is much improved.

I started enjoying myself. And even took a few minutes to notice my surroundings. Especially those ominous looking clouds building to the north. A few sprinkles start to fall on me.

I thought out loud, “This could really suck”. I still have 8 miles left to ride. If it starts to storm, I am pretty much screwed.

I pick up the speed, just a little – with the slight tailwind, I was now moving along at 19-22 mph.

The last 8 miles flew by.

I get back to my car, the sky thankfully still just spitting sprinkles.

I look at the bike computer, a little shocked. I averaged 16.7 mph for the 30.6 miles. Impressed only because of how weak I felt at the start of the ride.

On the drive home, I encountered rain and flooded streets just 3 miles from where I was riding. Sometimes you just get lucky.

Today, I get to run three miles. And nothing else. What am I going to do with myself with all that free time (and if anyone says mow that yard of yours that hasn’t been mowed in weeks, I may have to ban them from ever making comments again – although yes, that is probably what I should do).


Blogger a.maria said...


hope you're at the run this saturday, as i'm FINALLY making my way out there!


2:08 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

not supposed to run Saturday. Century ride on Sunday. Might crash a waterstop though. I don't know what to do with my Saturday mornings if I am not running...

8:13 PM  

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