Thursday, July 13, 2006

Going clipless

Finally made the switch to clipless pedals today.

Still a little confused why they are called "clipless" when your shoes are clipped to the pedal. Must be a biker thing.

But I am taking the bike out for a spin tomorrow with the new accessories.

Can't wait for the first time I stop w/o unclipping and wipe out.

Or the second time.

Or the third time.

Or the fourth time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! You'll do great. Falling in clipless pedals happens in slowww motion! KG

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same question about clip vs clipless. They're called 'clipless' because the term 'clips' was already taken by the deals connected to the pedal that you slide your shoes into. They should have been called cages or straps but they were called clips. Connecting your shoe to the pedal eliminates the need for clips, hence the name 'clipless'.

It only takes one slow-motion fall to remember to unclip from then on. It will probably happen pretty soon. Speaking from experience, if there are other people around you will feel really stupid.

6:42 AM  
Blogger a.maria said...

ahh, rick beat me to it. i was going to say the same.

and uh... since i already know how this turned out, may i just say....


(oh. and the bike has been maintained, the bill has been payed.. will be payed.. and i have a bike pump. when/where's your next ride?!)

2:08 PM  

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