Saturday, September 16, 2006

A little burst of energy

OK, so I only had to run 6 miles today. Just six miles. And I had several routes to choose from.

From where the run started, I could have run east onto some rolling hills. I could have run west over some rolling hills. I could have run north up a steep, but relatively short incline. I could have run south up Mt Quivera into a 15-20 mph head-wind.

Of course, I chose to run up Mt. Quivera three times. Why wouldn't I? Really, isn't the purpose of training to train. Although one could also argue that the purpose of the Taper is to train easier...

But before I could run, I had make it to the 6AM run.

And to make it to the 6AM run, I had to wake up at 4:55.

And to wake up at 4:55, I had to set my alarm at 4:55.

Only I set my alarm for 5:55.

OOPS!!!!!! In 2 years of running, I have never been late to a team run, until this morning. I was just 15 minutes late, but snuck in the back side of the parking lot to avoid getting busted by Koach - not that it mattered because he noticed I was missing.

It wasn't the best way to kick off that last long run before Ironman.

But that extra sleep must have really helped. That, or the Thai food I had last night at 8:30.

I felt good.

No, I felt great.

Mile 1 (up the hill): 10:44
Mile 2 (down the hill): 9:21
Mile 3 (up the hill): 10:26
Mile 4 (down the hill): 9:53
Mile 5 (up the hill): 10:41
Mile 6 (down the hill): 8:11

Total time: 0:59:21.

And no, 8:11 on mile 6 isn't a misprint. I just took off down that hill and it felt great. It was the fastest mile I have run since, well, possibly, ever.

Really, I haven't really worried about speed this summer. Building endurance was my one and only objective. Plus, I was typically only running twice a week (one long run and one shorter run). It would have been hard to fit a good "speed work-out" routine into the schedule.

Not anymore. Speed workouts are coming - soon.

But honestly, an extra hour sleep didn't make me run faster.

I ran faster because I can run faster.

All that time on the bike and in the pool has made a difference.

So kids, my advice to you is this. Take that cross training seriously. Hit the gym. Lif those weights. Swim those laps. Ride that bike. That which does not kill you will make you a stronger, faster runner.

It might even make you an Ironman.


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