Tuesday, September 12, 2006

groundhogs day vs the cold belly

When the groundhog evolved from some primordial ooze, do you think that their furry little ancestors thought that in the future, milions of stupid Americans would hold their collective breath waiting for one particular groundhog to pop its head out of its hole and determine the fate of an entire country's weather based solely on whether or not it sees a shadow.

Newsflash to millions of stupid Americans.

Groundhogs are skittish animals. I imagine that scores of television cameras, dozens of wacky morning show DJs and hundreds of hyperactive school children will scare the bejesus out of the innocent fuzzball. Hell, I know that would scare the bejesus out of me

Ten to one odds say he scampers back into his hole, shadow or no shadow. Really, it is a poor prognasticator of the weather.

But do you want a real predictor of weather.

Are you sure.

Because I have one for you.

It has never failed.

What is it, you ask?

Well, simply put, it's my belly.

Many of you know that I will wear shorts while training practically all year. I am always one of the last two people out there wearing shorts as we head into the frigid winter months. Why? Because I absolutely hate wearing sweats, etc when I run. My legs just function better when bare. Plus, the legs generate enough heat once I get going. Oh, and when you have legs that look this good, they really shouldn't be covered any more than absolutely necessary.

Now my belly is a different story. When it does get cold, I always layer my shirts. The problem is that, while the long-sleeve shirts cover the belly, they are never long enough to stay tucked in while I run. So when it is cold, a draft always blows up the shirt, pelting the bottom half of the belly with cold air. When training in the cold, the region of the belly from my belly button to my shorts is always cool to the touch, but the rest of my core is always warm and cozy.

It must be a unique phenomenon. In fact, I may be the only one that experiences this. At least I have never heard any one else openly discuss it.

Regardless, this cold belly syndrome, or CBS for short, rarely happens before September 15. But when it does, the winters always seem longer and colder.

Well kids, this evening, after my 20 mile bike ride and 2 mile run, the belly was cold to the touch. This really surprised me because it wasn't all that cold out and the sun was shining.

But I can't ignore the signs. It is going to be a long cold winter.

Or at least that's what my gut is telling us!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a nut! That really made me laugh. KG

5:15 AM  
Blogger Iron Jayhawk said...


1:55 PM  
Blogger Shaun said...

Well my good man, I found your blog. It's good stuff to read and then contemplate what I have on my plate that day. For instance, tonight I have roughly 12 beers to watch, and the Rockstar Supernova fanale to watch on TV... Good times.

Now, in my days as a runner (2-Time Oklahoma All-Stater in Cross Country, Track superstud 1mile and 2mile. 42" vertical. 4.36 fourty.. For autographs, send self addressed stamped envelope to Kevin and he'll hit me up sometime). I HATED, and still hate, running in the cold. I really enjoy my runs in the 105degree Dallas heat about 10 times more then I do the cold.

Anywho, Your cold belly. Wear a undershirt, long, tucked. Then your long sleeve. If that is too much shirt, go to Target and buy a packet of long wife-beater shirts. Same concept, and essentiall all you are looking for is to cover the Budda Belly Beerberg Belly.

4:13 PM  

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