Sunday, August 06, 2006

what a weekend


At least it's over almost.

But wow. I think I managed to cram everything under the sun into a weekend.

Since Friday at 2:00, I:
  • Rode 100 miles on a bike.
  • Helped with a TNT water stop
  • Spoke at a TNT recruiting meeting
  • Took a nap
  • Went on a Pub crawl (a TNT fundraiser)
  • Ran14 miles (alone) in the middle of (another) hotter than hell day
  • Volunteered at a local boys home
  • Attended a volunteer appreciation party
  • Gave my dog a bath
  • Cleaned my kitchen and bathroom
  • And finally, will play in my upcoming kickball game (first pitch 10:00)

When I started realizing what the weekend was looking like, I tried to figure out what I could pass on. And really, I HAD to do everything.

Well, I didn't have to go on the pub crawl, but since I have become sort of the local TNT pub crawl fundraiser advisor, I felt like I should attend and see how this team did. That, plus it was a pub crawl, and when was the last time I missed a good pub crawl.

So anyway, as I write this, yes, I am a little tired. I wll try to detail some of the above events when I a little more alert.

But only after I get some sleep.


Blogger Iron Jayhawk said...

If there is anyone who can save the world before bedtime, it's you.

Take some time for yourself and relax one night this week. You deserve it!

8:05 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

just got back from kickball.

we didn't play.

the lights on the entire complex went out just b/f we were supposed to start.


too bad.

there was a reporter from the KC Star that was there to write a story about our team and the popularity of adult kickball.

but he did say he would come back next week so we have that to look forward to!

8:38 PM  

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