Thursday, August 03, 2006

So I didn't want to run tonight

Tonight was one of those nights I didn't want to run.

I have had a light week of training since Sunday, probably a good thing coming off Sunday and considering I have a 100 mile bike ride Friday.

But I didn't want to run.

Funy thing is, not wanting to run makes me want to run more.



Maybe these sorts of things happen only to me.

But for some reason, the times I don't want to train, I often have my best training days.

I run faster.

I bike further.

I swim harder.

And I have fun doing it.

Sadly enough, I was only running three miles, but just didn't want to do it. This, knowing the last time I had JUST a three mile run on my schedule (last Thursday), I rocked. Knocking it out in 28 minutes - that's obscenely fast for me.

Even still, I didn't want to run.

But I get to the trails and took off on my nice, easy, three mile run.

Remember, it is usually the times I don't want to run that I run my best.



Not today.

The first mile, I thought to myself "hey, whatever, I am just warming up. I rarely find my rhythm until 10-15 minutes into the run (11:10 mile)

The second mile, I thought to myself, "hey, when is that energy going to kick in" (11:19 mile)

The third mile, the thought was "at least I can sprint the last 1/4 mile and finish respecfully (11:02 mile).

Basically, today I sucked wind the entire way.

Can't explain it.

But it happens - bad training days.

Honestly, my quads were extremely tight today, probably because of my hard, fast paced bike ride last night.

That may have been part of the problem.

Or maybe it was just because I sucked today.

I could go off and make numerous other excuses for why today sucked. But what good will excuses do.

I could complain about this or that and justify my crappy day.

But really, who likes listening to people make excuses for bad days - unless they are salad-induce fecal emergencies or something funny like that.

Because complaining can really get annoying.

And you know, if I AM going to complain, it is going to be in a way that people laugh with (or, more commonly, at) me and my problems. If nothing else, I am going to make sure it is sarcastic so not to be taken too seriously.

Because I don't want you to feel sorry for me. Because honestly, I usually know what I did wrong to cause the problem(s) on any particular day.

I would much rather them to look at me and say "hey, you're an idiot. you know damn well what you did wrong. so fix it. And then get on with your training."

Unless I seriously injure myself.

And then I expect to be pampered.

But only after you laugh at me because whatever it was that I did to hurt myself was probably something that needs to be laughed at.


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