Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I didn't feel like running today

It was a long day at work. I didn't sleep well last night. I was tired. My legs were heavy.

But I had 6 miles on my schedule and Tuesdays are hill-days.

So there I was at Shawnee Mission Park deciding how far I was going to run and how long it was going to take. Neither outlook was promising.

But I had 6 miles on the schedule.

So I ran.

And starting out, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Granted, I dropped almost 100 feet in elevation that first mile.

And then something strange happened.

I started running uphill.

Between miles 2 and 3, I climbed almost 240 feet in elevation. And it was easier than I remembered.

Much easier.

I found my groove.

I added 0.8 miles to my route from last week for a total of 6.3 miles and still managed to knock my per mile pace from 11:10 to 10:42/mile.

Any psychologists out there?

Because I want to know why I have some of my best days on days I expect to be my crappiest.


Blogger Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

My non-psychologist self just thinks you're weird :-) If I feel like crap, I rarely have a great run, but I always feel fifty times better afterwards...

10:30 AM  

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