Freezing my butt off? Not really.
But there were a lot of people complaining about the cold (and it was cold in Phoenix, but not that cold). And even though the temperatures were hovering around 28 when the race started, I was still out there running in my tank top and shorts because, well, I didn't bring any long sleeved dry fit shirts with me. Why? Because I was freaking going out to the desert and wasn't prepared.
Oh well. It's not like I was going to freeze to death or anything.
As for the race, well, I flew for the first 8 miles. I felt great. I was running anywhere from a 9:20 to 9:40 minute/mile pace. I kept up with the 4:15 pace group. It was incredible. I set a PR for the 10 K.
Only I wasn't running a 10 K. I was running a marathon.
So about the time I was finally realizing I was running way too fast and was destined to crash and crash hard, I heard the following lyrics from the band I was passing:
You are on the road & now you pray you will last
The road behind you was rocky
But now you are feeling cocky
You look at me & you will see your past
Is that the reason you are running so fast?
And she said
Aint nothing going to break my stride
Nobody´s going to slow me down
Oh no, I have got to keep on moving
Aint nothing going to break my stride
I am running & I would not touch ground
Oh no, I have got to keep on moving...
Damn the irony.
Nothing like being taunted by Men at Work.
Still, I did keep on moving. However, my pace rapidly dropped from a 9:20 mile to a 11:00 mile and then even further to 12...13...14. I think I even had a 15 minute mile at some point around mile 21. I did pick it up towards the end and managed to cross in 5:14:59.
While this wasn't what I had hoped for, it'll work. Sure, I was 1o minutes off my best time. I really wanted to break 5 hours. But you know what, I did set a 1o K PR and I now know I can run a 9:30 pace for a long way - just not 26.2 miles worth of long.
But one day I will.