Saturday, November 11, 2006

Those stupid ideas keep coming

Well kids, today some unnamed source (ok, it was Doug) put the following thought into my head.

And let me say up front....


I know better than to take advice from him, but just like you can't dangle a carrot in front of a rabbit, you can't dangle some stupid challenge in front of me. I totally bit this morning.

During our 8 mile run today, we were comparing and contrasting our 2007 race schedule and, when finding out that I was doing both RNR-AZ and RNR-SD, he told me I should go ahead and run the Country Music Marathon in Nashville in April. This is for no other reason than you get another medal when you run three RNR-series marathons in the same year (and the only reason we do this is for the hardware, unless you are EW and run the KC marathon and they run out of medals - and people ask me why I don't run KC).

And that is a great idea.


The CMM is the same weekend as the OK Memorial Marathon and that is my annual run because it truly is a great run and I get in quality family face time. It is the proverbial two birds with one stone. Additionally, this year, my sister and cousin Carly are both tentatively planning on running the 1/2 in OKC.

But notice how I said "same weekend" and not "same day".

The CMM is Saturday and OKC is Sunday.

So here is what I am thinking...

Drive to OKC on Thursday. Friday, I catch a flight to Nashville. Saturday, I run the CMM and then fly back to OKC that afternoon. Sunday, I run OKC.

Crazy. I know. But others have pulled this off.

Plus, I am going to be doing the Tahoe Triple and that is three marathons in three days (assuming I don't follow Doug's other bad example and take on the Tahoe Quad), so wouldn't a double-header make sense.

Perhaps we could even name it. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears. The only catch is the name can't include the words "stupid", "crazy" or "insane". "Idiotic" and "Nuts" will be allowed.

But I think this is going to happen.

And it will happen if for no other reason than because it's there to do.


Blogger Iron Jayhawk said...


...but that doesn't mean I'm not eager to read about it...cause I am!!! :)

Who knows, maybe I'll see you out and about in Nashville!!

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that is one stupid idea. Stupid and yet totally awesome! Go for it!

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...thanks for the credit for my contribution to your stupid idea.

12:55 PM  

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