Sunday, February 11, 2007

14, 16, who's counting

I wanted to run 16 miles Saturday morning. I intended to run 16 miles Saturday morning. I woke up at 4:15 am and met a couple other running mates at 5:30 am so I could run 16 miles Saturday morning.

Well, I only ran 14.

But I have an excuse. And I also learned a lesson in the process.

With a slight case of tendonitis in my right knee, I slipped on a knee band which helps keep the kneecap from sliding around as much. It helped. My right knee feels great.

But what I didn't count on was that this strap may have slightly inhibited blood flow to the muscles in my right lower leg (aka - calf). So it cramped (big surprise here) about 11 miles into the run. I am sure this was caused by the band b/c my left calf was fine. Lesson learned - don't wear the band so tight.

Oh well. In the end, I stopped at 14, not because I didn't have 16 in me, but because those last 2 miles would have irritated me.

I tacked on 4 more outside miles today. And I am hoping the snow stays away tomorrow so I can continue running outside - my trails have finally melted! But I doubt I will be that lucky!


Blogger Josh Dysart said...

It WILL NOT snow! Do you hear me! Sorry the knee is acting up, and good job on the 14.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

If you guys are getting the same storm we're getting (which is hitting harder in southern Iowa), I think your snow free trails are short lived! Get some Yak Trakkers! I run in the snow in those.

5:51 AM  

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