Sunday, March 19, 2006

Brew to Brew

Yea, I am still trying to understand this blogging crap....Not even sure which site I really want to use, but I found out today that a couple of my running chums use blogger, so what the hell, here I am. Let's see what develops.

So I spend ALL day today running brew to brew, running 14 miles with Alejandra. It ws an excuse for a training run as I absolutely was not going to run yesterday (St Patty's Day celebrations Friday night. Running Sat. morning. Think about it. Not a chance!). So instead, I ran several legs of the brew to brew relay from KCMO to Lawrence, KS. It turned out to be a little over 15 miles. And not only did we get to run 15 miles, we got to
-rappel down a creek bed and take a boat across a large stream
-hurdled multiple roadkill including a possum, cat, bird, deer, birds and a couple of unidentifiables.
-be told we were the last people on the route (but we were slow and the team started in one of the later starting groups - had we just run one leg, we would have been done much faster.

But in the end, it was just a training run. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Oh, and it was cold.

And much of the route was on concrete...Not ideal for knees and ankles.

The Boulevard Wheat at the end of the run tasted awesome, though.

It's supposed to sleet and snow here tomorrow. Possibly a lot. I thought we were through with winter. I want spring back.

And for the tournament----
Hook'em Horns, Go Shockers, Go Bradley!


Blogger Josh Dysart said...

I'd root for the Cowboys ... but wait, that's right ... they didn't make it this year.

11:27 AM  
Blogger a.maria said...

hey HEY hey!!! um, yeah... white water gushing river rapelling down a cliff... i might embellish for effect now and again...

YAY a new blogging buddy! dude its totally addictive... watch out!

and uh...HOOK EM HORNS!! :)

5:22 AM  

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